Friday Members’ Social

Members who attended the Club’s first Friday evening BBQ munched their way through a selection of beef, chicken-cheese or spicy-bean veggie burgers—expertly grilled by Chef Peter and topped with Brian’s fried onions, tomatoes, lettuce and condiments. Drinks and snack food rounded out the menu. Thank you to all the helping hands that put the meal together!

A draw followed from 6 to 8 pm, with two triples and one doubles game bowled. A few members joined the group at 6:00, knowing better than to bowl on a full stomach! The warmth of the sun and strong evening light enhanced the enjoyment of socializing with friends on a summer evening.

Social drop-in bowling will be held every Friday from 6 to 8 pm. The BBQ will be held bi-weekly from 5:00 to 6:00 pm throughout the summer. Check the calendar for dates.

lawn bowling, croquet, social