On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Effective June 17, 2024 – Schedule below
Saturday mornings – Courts are reserved for Novices from 10 am until 12 noon.
Saturday afternoons – Open Croquet all members 12 – 5 pm
Sunday – Open Croquet from 10 am to 5 pm
Monday – All croquet players may play whatever games they wish up to 11 am, but from 11 am to 4 pm is reserved for Association Croquet. A full size court for Association Croquet will be set up, with a separate skinny lawn in the mornings.
Tuesday – MORNING SESSIONS: 10:00 AM (or earlier) to 1:00 PM.
AFTERNOON SESSIONS: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (or later). Players can choose one or the other and limit themselves to that session accordingly. Draws are on each hour and random for now.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Tuesday Evenings – Courts are reserved for novices from 6:00 pm onward.
Wednesday – Open croquet from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Casino Croquet from 1 to 3 pm, Open Croquet 3 to 5 pm.
Thursday – MORNING SESSIONS: 10:00 AM (or earlier) to 1:00 PM. AFTERNOON SESSIONS: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (or later).
Players can choose one or the other and limit themselves to that session accordingly. Draws can be made at any hour during the times of each session.
Thursday Evening – Open Play begins at 6:00 pm for all (1 green)
Friday – All croquet players may play whatever games they wish up to 11 am, but from 11 am to 4 pm is reserved for Association Croquet. A full size court for Association Croquet will be set up, with a separate skinny lawn in the mornings (addendum June 17th).
Novices are encouraged to contact one another and make use of the times above.Further times can be made available according to demand. A good way to play with other new players at your level. Of course you are all welcome to join our regular play times as well.
Monthly “Under the Lights” will likely be scheduled around availability. Dates to be determined.
Note: there may be exceptional times when croquet may also play on the 2nd lawn. These occasions to be negotiated with bowlers with awareness of the weekly bowling schedule. Similarly, both bowling and croquet scheduled tournaments to take priority to the above schedule. Expect revisions for the summer and fall seasons. Please note that lawn preparation, cutting, typically occurs two days each week until 10:00 am.
See (click on underlined green link) Club Bowls/Croquet Summer Tournament & Special Events Schedule
Also check CLUB CALENDAR for updates.
Winter greens care by all members
With wet weather, the greens are soft and susceptible to damage.This will be constant until April, and everyone must take extra care.
Footwear: As always, everyone must wear footwear without sharp heels and without heavy ridges or grooves. The smoother the better. Shoes kept at the club are preferred but not required.
If there is snow or frost on the greens, the greens must not be used because the blades and roots will be damaged. After heavy rains, the greens should be evaluated in several areas checking for vulnerable spots.
Everyone should stay off:
· If there are visible puddles anywhere on the greens.
· If the ground is visibly soft, especially if walking leaves footprints
· If water gushes out underfoot or if there is a squishing sound.
· If it just seems very wet.