Croquet in the wind

Hello Croqueteers,

All of you who thought, oh, it is windy, or, oh, it is rainy, and stayed cozy inside on the windiest day to hit the coast in many a year (the wind clocked 120K in Saanich, power out everywhere and no ferries) missed an incredible humourous day on the lawn watching the balls wiggling in the wind, quivering in gusts coming from all directions, all the players having to calculate wind speed before hitting their balls which struggled to get across the lawn, some times blown backwards (well not really but nearly.)

I won’t mention who the true blue Canadian Croqueteers were – they will receive medals in April.

Saturday is our last day of play before Christmas so hope to see you all there and if it is too rainy, Happy Christmas, ho ho. We will not have a regular croquet set up on Tuesday, Christmas Day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go down and play if you please, especially if Santa brought you a new mallet unless he was too busy to deliver it this year.
submitted by KC