It’s always more rewarding to win one of the Club’s grand silver trophies when you know the history behind it. Winning the McKeachie Mixed Triples trophy was made especially meaningful this year by the attendance of Alex and Anne McKeachie.
Both are grandchildren of Alexander and Jeanie McKeachie, active VLBC members in the Club’s early years. Alex Sr. was Secty-Treas. from 1917-19 and President in 1921. Both he and Jeanie were reportedly award winning bowlers. See details on their involvement and the Club’s early history (don’t miss the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame video link) here.
Their son Tom McKeachie (Alex’s father) was an avid sportsman who followed his parents’ footsteps in latter years by focusing energy on lawn bowling (approx. 1960 to 1984). He was President of the Club in 1970-71 and by all accounts excelled in bowls as he had in other sports. He apparently liked doing calligraphy which he applied to some of the Club photos.
The McKeachie cup dates back to the first McKeachie generation in 1929. From 1941-1956 it was called the Veterans Rinks trophy. Then in 1984, a new plaque designated it The Tom McKeachie Veterans Trophy, commemorating Tom’s contribution to the Club. Engraved plaques on the trophy base name tournament winners since 1984. Read more on Tom McKeachie’s accomplishments and history of this impressive silver cup here.
This year’s proud winners were Debra Whitman, Randy Small and Ted Corner.
It would be wonderful to have Alex and Anne join our Club next year to keep the family tradition going.